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Fields > Aerospace> Satellite Tests
Satellite Tests

Each satellite is tested extensively before it is launched to space

When a rocket is launched, the satellites they are carrying are subjected to extreme vibrations and sound pressure levels, sometimes in excess of 145 dB. In space, the satellite must be able to reliably withstand such extreme conditions and function without failing. To achieve this, extensive tests are conducted using

  • acoustic excitation
  • vibration-related excitation and
  • shock excitation.


Satellites are usually exposed to acoustic irradiation on huge, low-reflection testbenches using electric-pneumatic high intensity horns in varying frequency ranges. The Acoustic Control System (ACS) regulates the sound excitation by means of closed loop algorithms, allowing the user to simultaneously record microphone and vibration signals.

Sine Reduction

Another test scenario for the final testing of satellites involves vibration tests employing swept-sine excitation using shakers.
For this task area, PAK offers a reliable system solution for dynamic data acquisition and efficiently analyzing multi-channel measurement data, such as the sine reduction analysis using a COLA signal (Constant Output Level Adapter).


The Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) is available to the user for providing detailed analyses of a satellite's transient excitation and shock excitation.

· 경기 안양시 벌말로 66, 평촌역 하이필드지식산업센터 A동 715호
· 전화번호: 02.529.0375~6 · 팩스번호: 02.529.0378 · E-mail: